Sandra Oliveira
Artigos em revistas internacionais
Oliveira S, Pereira JMC, San-Miguel-Ayanz J, Lourenço L (2014). Exploring the spatial patterns of fire density in Southern Europe using Geographically Weighted Regression. Applied Geography 51, 143–157.
Oliveira S, Moreira F, Boca R, San-Miguel-Ayanz J, Pereira JMC (2013). Assessment of fire selectivity in relation to land cover and topography: a comparison between Southern European countries. International Journal of Wildland Fire 23(5) 620-630.
Rodrigues M, San Miguel J, Oliveira S, Moreira F, Camia A (2013). An Insight into Spatial-Temporal Trends of Fire Ignitions and Burned Areas in the European Mediterranean Countries. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 3, 497-505.
Oliveira S, Oehler F, San-Miguel Ayanz J, Camia A, Pereira JMC (2012). Modeling spatial patterns of fire occurrence in Mediterranean Europe using Multiple Regression and Random Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 275, 117–129.
Oliveira S, Andrade H, Vaz T (2011). The cooling effect of green spaces as a contribution to the mitigation of urban heat: A case study in Lisbon. Building and Environment 46, 2186-2194.
Andrade H., Alcoforado M-J., Oliveira S. (2011). Perception of temperature and wind by users of public outdoor spaces: relationships with weather parameters and personal characteristics. International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 55 (5), 665-680.
Artigos em revistas nacionais
Lin T-P, Andrade H, Oliveira S, Hwang R-L, Matzarakis A (2014). Outdoor thermal perception in different climatic regions: Initial Results from Taichung (Taiwan) and Lisbon (Portugal). Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, Vol. XLIX, Nr. 98 (49-58).
Oliveira S, Vaz T, Andrade H (2014). Perception of thermal comfort by users of urban green areas in Lisbon. Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, Vol. XLIX, Nr. 98 (113-131).
Livros e capítulos de livros
Abad Viñas, R, Caudullo G, Oliveira, S, de Rigo, D (2016). Pinus pinaster in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J, de Rigo, D, Caudullo, G, Houston Durrant, T, Mauri, A(Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg., pp. 128-129.
Abad Viñas, R, Caudullo G, Oliveira, S, de Rigo, D (2016). Pinus pinea in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J, de Rigo, D, Caudullo, G, Houston Durrant, T, Mauri, A(Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg., pp. 130-131.
Eaton, E, Caudullo G, Oliveira, S, de Rigo, D (2016). Quercus robur and Quercus petraea in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J, de Rigo, D, Caudullo, G, Houston Durrant, T, Mauri, A(Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg., pp. 160-163.
Oliveira S, Vaz T, Andrade H (2016). The influence of urban green areas in thermal comfort. Insights from field measurements and users perception in Lisbon. Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Risks, Lisbon.
Laneve G, De Bonis R, Fusilli L, Ferrucci F, Sebastian Lopez A, Oliveira S, Clandillon S, Tampellini L, Hirn B, Diagourtas D, Leventakis G (2014). PREFER FP7 project for the management of the pre- and post-fire phases: presentation of the products. In Viegas D X (Ed.) “Advances in Forest Fire Research”, Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI), University of Coimbra. ISBN: 978-989-26-0884-6, pp. 903-911.
Bento-Gonçalves A, Vieira A, Nunes A, Lourenço L, Oliveira S, Félix F (2014). Análise de vulnerabilidade a incêndios florestais na região do Minho, Portugal. In Lourenço L (Ed.) “Multidimensão e Territórios de Risco”. Associação Portuguesa de Riscos, Prevenção e Segurança, Lousã. ISBN: 978-989-96253-3-4, pp. 721-725.
Tedim F, Oliveira S, Nunes A, Ferreira C, Lourenço L (2014). Diálogo entre a ciência e os utilizadores. Potencialidades e fragilidades na temática dos riscos. In: Lourenço L, Tedim F (2014) Realidades e Desafios na Gestão dos Riscos – diálogo entre ciência e utilizadores. NICIF & FLUC, Coimbra, ISBN: 978-972-8330-22-4, pp. 73-86.
Oliveira S, Lourenço L, Pereira JMC, San-Miguel-Ayanz J (2013). A ocorrência de incêndios florestais nos países do Sul da Europa. Distribuição espacial, factores estruturais e influência dos grandes incêndios. In Bento-Gonçalves A, Vieira A (Eds), “Grandes Incêndios Florestais, Erosão, Degradação e Medidas de Recuperação dos Solos”. Núcleo de Investigação em Geografia e Planeamento, Universidade do Minho. ISBN: 978-989-97214-2-5, pp. 99-110.
San-Miguel-Ayanz J, Schulte E, Schmuck G, Camia A, Strobl P, Liberta G, Giovando C, Boca R, Sedano F, Kempeneers P, McInerney D, Withmore C, Santos de Oliveira S, Rodrigues M, Durrant T, Corti P, Oehler F, Vilar L, Amatulli G (2011). Comprehensive monitoring of wildfires in Europe: The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), Approaches to Managing Disaster - Assessing Hazards, Emergencies and Disaster Impacts, Prof. John Tiefenbacher (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0294-6, InTech, pp. 87-108.
Oliveira S, Boca R, San-Miguel Ayanz J, Moreira F (2011). Assessment of fire selectivity in relation to land cover at broad scale. A comparison between European countries. In San-Miguel Ayanz J, Gitas I, Camia A, Oliveira S (eds): “Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management. From local to global assessments”. Proceedings of the 8th International EARSeL FF-SIG Workshop, Stresa, Italy, EUR 24941 EN – 2011, ISBN: 978-92-79-21257-4, pp. 259-264.