Eusébio Reis
Projectos científicos relacionados com Hidrologia
2010-13: Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Climate Change Scenarios (CIRAC Project), Cooperation APS and Faculty of Sciences (University of Lisbon).
2010-13: GIS database on hydro-geomorphologic disasters in Portugal: a tool for environmental management and emergency planning (DISASTER), FCT (PTDC/CS-GEO/103231/2008).
2010-12: Morphodynamic processes, desertification and rehabilitation of degraded spaces in Tafilalet (SE Morocco), Cooperation CNRST-Maroc/ GRICES-FCT-Portugal.
2008-2009: Assessment of soil degradation in the Central Rif. Case study of Sahla oued hydrographic basin, Cooperation CNRST-Maroc/ GRICES-FCT-Portugal.
2001-05: Geology and Archeology of the Tagus floodplain over time (GEOTARIF), Proj. Sapiens (FCT) (POCTI/CTA/39427/2001).
2001-02: Climatic characteristics and hydrodynamic conditions in serra de Grândola drainage basins (CHIBAG), FLUL.
1999-2001: Interdisciplinary approach to Flood-Risk Evaluation (IDAFRE) – Hydrology, Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Douro, Tagus and Sado basins, PRAXIS Program, PRAXIS/P/CTE/1427/1998.
Publicações científicas (artigos,capítulos de livros e resumos)
Reis, E.; Zêzere, J. L.; Fragoso, M. (2013) - Analysing spatial distribution of damaging floods and mass movements in Portugal from 1865 to 2010 (Disaster database): geographical factors, weather types and human impacts. 7th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS 2013), 3 - 7 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland, CD Extended Abstracts, 4 pp.
Reis E (2011) – Drainage basin analysis, flood susceptibility and GIS: from the conceptual Framework to an assessment model proposal [in Portuguese]. Actas do Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, Outubro 2011, Lisboa, 6p. [CD ROM - SIG-130-598-2].
Bergonse R, Reis E (2011) Theoretical constraints to gully erosion research: time for a re-evaluation of concepts and assumptions? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 36, p. 1554-1557.
Bergonse R, Reis E (2011) - Forms, processes and patterns in gully erosion: toward a coherent theoretical framework [in Portuguese]. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, Vol. XLVI, Nº 92, Lisboa, p. 111-132.
Ramos, C. e Reis, E. (2002) - Floods in Southern Portugal: their physical impacts and human response, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 7 (3): 267-284.
Ramos, C.; Reis, E.; Pereira, A. R.; Azevedo, T. M.; Nunes, E.; Freitas, M. C.; Andrade, C. (2002) - Late Holocene evolution of the Lower Tagus alluvial plain and heavy metals content: preliminary results, in J. M. García-Ruiz, J. A. A. Jones & J. Arnáez (eds.) – Environmental Change and Water Sustainability, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Zaragoza, p. 167-182.
Ramos, C. e Reis, E. (2001) - “Floods in Southern of Portugal at different kinds of drainage basins” [in Portuguese], Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, vol. XXXVI, nº 71, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Lisboa, pp. 61-82.